Update: Tranquilpeak has added built-in support for MathJax.
If I’m going to occasionally write posts about math (and that is the plan), I need the ability to render equations. It’s not a strict necessity; you can get pretty far by literally describing what it is that you’re trying to say. For example:
The Riemannian gradient over the compact Stiefel manifold of the Rayleigh quotient with respect to some square matrix and a given conformal subspace can be computed as the orthogonal complement with respect to a basis for that subspace of the product of said matrix and said basis.
I’m a bit of a gadget freak, and this tendancy applies in the kitchen as much as anywhere. I’d been meaning for some time to get a sous-vide circulator, and last May (2016) I finally broke down and purchased the Anova Precision Cooker.

As I promised in the intro, here’s a breakdown of the software and processes used to construct and delivery the site:
- Hugo: flexible static site generation from markdown
- Gitlab: version control for site source, continuous delivery system
- Amazon Web Services (AWS): static content hosting, load balancing, content distribution, certificate management